Insurance Information

At Marc N. Sperber, DDS and Joseph Portnoy, DDS we make every effort to provide you with the finest care and the most convenient financial options. We participate in many insurance plans. Please call the office to find out if we participate in your plan.

If your insurance has changed since your last appointment, please call to verify that we participate in your new plan.

Although we might participate in your insurance plan, a co-payment might still be necessary. Please be aware that some services provided might not be covered, or may be only partially covered. Individual policies have different deductibles and maximum allowances.

Any balance not paid by your insurance company will be your responsibility. Your prompt payment is appreciated.

If you have any problems or questions, please ask our staff. They are well informed and up-to-date. They can be reached by phone at Lindenhurst Office Phone Number (631) 226-5252.

Please provide your insurance information when making an appointment.